10 ways to perfectly master Google’s top exposure core strategies in just 1 hour

10 ways to perfectly master Google’s top exposure core strategies in just 1 hour

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“Technical SEO” is essential for top exposure on Google

In SEO, improving URLs is one of the important tasks for search engine optimization of a website.

In particular, redirects can lead to problems such as loss of traffic or lower search rankings if not implemented correctly. Here we will explain the types of redirects and how to apply them.

1. Types of redirects

301 Redirect (Permanent Move)
Purpose: To notify search engines and users that a specific URL has been permanently moved to another URL.
When to use: When moving a page or domain permanently.
Effect: Search engine crawlers index the new URL, passing the SEO value (link juice) of the old URL to the new URL.
302 Redirect (Temporary Move)
Purpose: Notifies that a specific URL has been temporarily moved to another URL.
When to use: Use when temporarily moving a page to another page.
Effect: No SEO value is transferred to the new URL, and the original URL remains indexed.
307 Redirect (Temporary Move)
Purpose: Similar to 302, but used in HTTP/1.1, more clearly indicates a temporary move.
When to use: When you want to temporarily move a page, but don't want to change the HTTP method.
Effect: Similar to 302, no SEO value is delivered.
308 Redirect (Permanent Move)
Purpose: Similar to 301, but used in HTTP/1.1.
When to use: When moving a page or domain permanently.
Effect: Delivers the same SEO value as a 301.

2. Precautions when applying redirect

Avoid chaining redirects: Using multiple redirects (e.g. A -> B -> C) can slow down search engine crawlers and users from accessing your pages. If possible, set the destination to be reached with a single redirect.
Broken link check: After setting up redirect, check whether external and internal links are connected correctly. To do this, we either crawl it using an SEO tool or check it manually.
Cache Control: After setting up a redirect, make sure your server cache or browser cache properly reflects your new settings.
Use Google Search Console: After you set up a redirect, you can use the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console to verify that the search engine is correctly recognizing your redirect.
Redirects play an important role in improving URL structure, improving user experience, and maintaining SEO performance. Getting it set up and managed correctly is key.

Top exposure on Google is now a must.
Google Top Exposure
Even at this moment of concern, competitors are constantly working on Google SEO and backlinks to get their homepages on Google's first page, that is, at the top of Google.

Top exposure on Google through Google SEO is the only way to give your product an edge over your competitors at the lowest advertising cost.

Stop worrying now and take action. At Marketer Storm, we are achieving results by directly implementing SEO know-how accumulated over a long period of time and building unrivaled backlinks.

구글상위노출 Marketer Storm will take responsibility for “top exposure on Google”.

A sitemap is a file that specifies the page structure of a website and helps search engines crawl and index the site efficiently. Sitemaps are especially important for large websites, newly created sites, or sites with frequently updated dynamic content. Here we will explain the need for a sitemap, how to create it, and how to apply it.

1. What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is a file written in XML format that lists the URLs of all pages on a website and includes meta information for each page. Key information is as follows:

URL: link on the page
lastmod: Last modified date of the page
changefreq: How often the page changes.
priority: The priority of the page

2. Why you need a sitemap

Improved crawling efficiency: Helps search engine bots understand the structure of your website and crawl all important pages.
Fast indexing: Helps search engines quickly discover and index newly created or frequently updated pages.
Avoid duplicate content: When used with canonical tags, you can reduce duplicate content issues.
Provide site structure: Clearly communicates the hierarchical structure of your website to search engines.

3.https://google-marketerstorm.com/ How to create a sitemap

사이트맵은 검색 엔진 최적화(SEO)를 위해 필수적인 요소로, 웹사이트의 크롤링과 인덱싱 효율성을 극대화하는 중요한 도구입니다. 올바르게 생성하고 관리하면 웹사이트의 검색 가시성과 순위 향상에 큰 도움이 됩니다.

Top exposure on Google is now a must.
Google Top Exposure
Even at this moment of concern, competitors are constantly working on Google SEO and backlinks to get their homepages on Google's first page, that is, at the top of Google.

Top exposure on Google through Google SEO is the only way to give your product an edge over your competitors at the lowest advertising cost.

Stop worrying now and take action. At Marketer Storm, we are achieving results by directly implementing SEO know-how accumulated over a long period of time and building unrivaled backlinks.

Marketer Storm will take responsibility for “top exposure on Google”.

Robots.txt is a text file located in the root directory of your website that instructs search engine crawlers (bots) which pages can and cannot be crawled.


Crawl Control: Website owners prevent crawling of sensitive or non-critical pages by telling search engines whether or not they allow crawling.
Reduce server load: Use server resources efficiently by preventing unnecessary page crawling.
Prevent duplicate content: Prevents search engines from indexing duplicate content when the same content is accessible through multiple URLs.
Privacy Protection: Protects pages that should not be publicly indexed, such as login pages and admin pages.

2. How to create Robots.txt

The Robots.txt file can be created using a simple text editor. The basic structure is as follows:
User-agent: Specifies a specific search engine crawler.
Disallow: Specifies directories or pages to disallow crawling.
Allow: Allows crawling of specific files within directories blocked by Disallow rules.
Sitemap: Specifies the location of the sitemap file.

3. How to apply Robots.txt

Create file: Create a Robots.txt file and write the above rules.
Upload to the root directory of your server: Upload the files you create to the root directory of your website. For example, you must be able to access http://www.example.com/robots.txt.
Verification: Verifies that the file was uploaded correctly and that the written rules are correct. For this you can use Google Search Console's Robots.txt testing tool.

4. Precautions

Correct location: The Robots.txt file must be located in the root directory of your website; the correct URL path is http://www.example.com/robots.txt.
Use click here with caution: Be careful not to accidentally Disallow important pages or entire directories. If set up incorrectly, search engines may not be able to crawl important pages.
Dynamically Generated Content: If you have content that is dynamically generated using JavaScript or AJAX, you need to configure it so that crawlers can access that content.
Use Wildcard: You can use * (wildcard) for pattern matching.
Properly setting up and managing files can improve your website's crawling efficiency and save server resources by preventing unnecessary crawling.
Top exposure on Google is now a must.
Google Top Exposure
Even at this moment of concern, competitors are constantly working on Google SEO and backlinks to get their homepages on Google's first page, that is, at the top of Google.


Top exposure on Google through Google SEO is the only way to give your product an edge over your competitors at the lowest advertising cost.

Stop worrying now and take action. At Marketer Storm, we are achieving results by directly implementing SEO know-how accumulated over a long period of time and building unrivaled backlinks.

Marketer Storm will take responsibility for “top exposure on Google”.

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